Monday, March 17

fallen... BUT NOT CONQUERED!!! (part 3)

yes.. majority of us are felling low battery now..
"charge up ur battery or u will lose your work.."
my grp mates are really feeling the heat le..
nee is struggling between red bull, ppt and watever shit we are still hanging..
pei is the CD (creative director).. so she's hanging hard with all the aplications in MS 2007, fascinated with all the shit within.. haha.. and did i say she didn back-up a copy of the bloody PIM ppt.. so ya.. all the shit tt follows, jess is too tired to explain, much less type it out..
jess... as for me.. all the conclusion, exec sum.. other shits tt r flowing ard, i'm doing.. so ya.. alot of cursing ans swearing gg on within me.. think my heart is so overworked these days.. cos gotta "gek" within.. sure to get "lai xiong" soon..
lin is sick again.. first gastric flu, now swollen eyes.. she said she saw GH without underwear!!! muahaha.. nah i noe she's juz kidding.. it's a way for her to cover up her unhealthy habit of viewing porn.. opps... she's so gg to kill me.. if she can read this blog with her swollen eyes... shit.. i'm so gg to get it fr her...
and as usual.. ms tan always fall aslp on her lappy.. cannot like tt ms tan.. later u will neck ache one.. take care ya.. less red-bull-ing ard ya..
ok.. it;sback to more wk le.. haiz.. the sad life of a RMIT student..

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